October 20, 2023 1 min read

There is no set lash industry standard price, but we can learn a lot from the average price range...

Do you feel like you are sitting at the lower end, higher end, or somewhere between? 

Here's the good news, you aren't stuck where you are, lash artists set their own rates! Do the math for how many clients you take in a day and divide that time by what you charge. How much are you paying yourself hourly? If you want that number to be higher, raise it! If you don’t feel like that's a fair price for your skill set, book yourself a training course to increase the value of your services.

You get paid based on your skill so charge more or level up. The value you are giving to your clients should meet the price you are charging them for it.

AND ALWAYS REMEMBER - LASHES ARE A LUXURY PRODUCT. If your clients want high quality lashes, they will be willing to pay for them! Don't feel guilty for those that won't pay for the luxury.

Download our Lash Boss Assessment to see where you could level up your skills!

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