December 20, 2023 1 min read

Here's a secret. The slow season doesn't have to hurt your business if you have a plan!

As we ease into the approaching slower season, we're excited to share our game-changing strategies to not only boost your studio sales but also create a reason for your clients to keep CONSISTENTLY coming back for more!

This is part of my strategy that keeps both my personal clientele and the 10 artists at my 2 salon locations booked out. Other parts of my strategy will be shared in other posts

STRATEGY 2.0: Offer your clients a pre-booking price if they book and pay through January. It doesn't have to be a steep discount, 5-10% off their total price PLUS the promise that their spot will be locked in can be enough for your clients to say YES!
A note to this tip is to not let your clients know ALL of your openings. If they see that there are only 3 spots left they are more likely to jump on the deal than if there are 30 spots open. Create the demand and you can negotiate the timing if needed.

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