July 01, 2022 1 min read

Lets be real, when you can’t focus, lashing is slower

Here are some tips for being able to focus and therefore keep up your speed. After all, time is money!.

  • Give yourself more time to lash when you are close to your period, when your hormones dip, so does your focus!
  • Write your lash map on your gel pad. Lash maps keep you on task
  • Give yourself a time limit! Set a timer on your phone for 15 minutes per lash section. It’s easy to want to focus on the thickest section of lashes on the lash line but its not the most important part. If you have 1.5 hours for a full, that's 45 minutes per eye, not 1 hours for the first eye and 30 minutes for the other.
  • Divide each eye into 4 sections and start with the trickiest part first. INNER CORNERS!
  • Lots of sugar makes your brain preoccupied with managing a sugar rush, not focusing on your work. Try to cut the sugary foods and drinks while you work.
  • Supplements help! There are lots of focus supplements that support the brain. Especially your Omegas 3,6,9.

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